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Revision as of 19:16, 15 November 2021

A social media/chat app. Seems to be somewhere between a microblogging site and live chat. Most posts are images or videos; very media heavy. Mostly used by young people. One of the default reading modes is a 'scream' which is a high-speed slideshow, flipping through the most recent image posted by all your friends at slightly faster than one pic per second. Both the friends you interact with most and how recently an image was posted determine which ones are shown first.

The site was built around the principle that everything is ephemeral. There are no long-term 'friend' or 'follow' interactions, you will always see posts from people you have interacted with heavily or recently. The only access control is for channels (private chats), which expire after 28 hours of inactivity.


  • Scream - a slideshow of friends' recent posts
  • Board - an alternative viewing mode which shows friends' recent posts as a collage
  • Tag - a reply
  • Line - a post which doesn't have an image. As they're not shown in the scream and are relegated to the bottom of board view, they will generally go unseen unless you tag someone (so messages are usually sent as tags on someone's most recent post)
  • Blob - a stock image, most often a caricature portrait of the poster with text saying "tap for more" or similar. Used when you have a text post you want people to read (the blob shows up on people's scream/board, and once you got their attention they might stop to read the line)
  • Cloud - a semi-private group chat that's only accessible to people who have the link, or people mentioned in it (getting bits of a random cloud on your board is quite common, as it uses fuzzy matching of your username or real name rather than any kind of explicit @mention)
  • Channel - an actual private chat between people who know each other
  • Dot (also "dit" or "skull") - a dot in the corner which can be tapped on content you're not interested in. Both discourages the algorithm from showing you anything similar, and if a post gets dotted by a large proportion of the people who see it, it will automatically be shown to community moderators who have the power to delete and ban. Certain bad language may also attract autodots

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